‘ Blessed be you of the Lord, who bring back wandering sinners to God, who show them the way of truth, and keep yourselves in the pure and sincere observance of the Gospel rule! May he who blesses you be blessed of God, may he who provides for you or cherishes you receive an eternal reward ! May Satan exercise no power over you, nor tempt you beyond your strength ! May you have power over him and his, to destroy his strongholds, and snatch his prey from him ! May the power of the Father assist you, the wisdom of the Son direct you, and the love of the Holy Ghost console you! Amen.’ 

Blessing of Our Holy Father Saint Francis

The first step of the formation is the aspirancy, in which the candidate learns all of the basic chores around the convent including our different apostolates.

The first Canonical step is the Postulancy in which the candidate receives a veil and and a beige dress with a belt and a cross with the two hearts of Jesus and Mary the Patrons of our community.

Once the community accepts the candidates petition she “receives the habit”. During the Investiture the postulant receives the habit of the Order, her new name and thus begins her novitiate in which a time of prayer and formation with the rule of the Order and Congregation begin.

After two years, if the Novice is admitted she makes her temporary Profession with the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.

Dearly beloved brothers and eternally blessed children, hear me, the voice of your Father. We have promised great things, greater things have been promised to us. Let us keep the former and long for the latter. Pleasure is brief; punishment is eternal. Suffering is slight; glory infinite. Many are called; few chosen.
To all an award will be made.

-St. Francis of Assisi